Collaborating with Industry Members

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As an Associate Member of the Fiber Broadband Association (FBA), Wolf Line Construction (WLC) has been able to collaborate with industry members to support the deployment of fiber.  We operate in partnership with our clients to provide fiber optic cable (FTTX, ADSS & OPGW) and energized space installations throughout the United States.  Our team proudly supports and invests in the communities to provide rural broadband networks.  

The FBA produces weekly live video series for called Fiber for Breakfast in which discussions take place with leading industry experts. If you are an FBA member, you should check out the Week 10 (June 3, 2020) video discussion on “Building out Fiber Networks to Rural Communities.”  There are many great take-aways in this video, but one of the best is to get a construction partner on board early in your planning process – don’t wait until you’re ready to construct!  By having your construction contractor on board early, you will receive valuable input which will help the construction process go smoothly - especially on the supply side. Covid-19 has demonstrated an even greater need for essential services, and fiber manufacturers are increasing production to meet the demand, but the shortfall will be in the workers to construct the fiber networks.  

If you are an FBA member, you can access the discussion by clicking the button below: